Category: General , This Site

  • My Wikis

    I used to have two wiki sites, one for home and one for work. Both used to be very different, one was for transparency reasons (the Guildford Web Services one) and the other is there for me to be able to rebuild the server stack when my media server falls over (my media server wiki). […]

  • When I said done…

    I had a minor issue with my pages featured images, which I have sorted out (YAY) they weren’t being rendered properly on a mobile’s screen, I then have done some general housekeeping with the code, so when I come back to the code, I can read easily, and find what I need to change. The […]

  • The site is done!

    I have now completed this site. I was going to have some effects on a couple of pages, but I think that this would have distracted the user a bit if a couple of the pages went to a slightly different design. The footer widget areas now uses the ‘Static Blocks’ plugin, as it gives […]

  • Almost Finished!

    This is going to be the occasion where I am going to say that the main bulk of the site is done, so no need for a photoshopped image at this stage! I have found out there is a limitation in bootstrap when it comes to moving away from a standard dropdown menu on the […]

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